Warianty tytułu
Problem Pertaining to Japan's Possession of Armed Forces in the Light of the Constitution of 1946
Języki publikacji
Poruszono problem posiadania sił zbrojnych przez Japonię w oparciu o Konstytucję z 1946 r. Autor zwrócił uwagę na wpływ Stanów Zjednoczonych i Związku Sowieckiego na rozwój japońskich sił zbrojnych. Rozwój ten zanalizowano do lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku.
The author makes at attempt at the presentation of the above problem in the time span of a few dozen years, beginning with the year 1946. The author analyzes how significant it was in the period of occupation and in the period following the regaining of the full independence by Japan. In the article the author emphasizes not only the evolution of the stance of the Japanese side, but also the stance of the of the United States, which exerted a decisive influence as regards the expansion Japanese armed forces. The author also presents the stance of the Soviet Union on the issues of remilitarization of Japan and the attempts made by the Far East Committee to make the future remilitarization of Japan impossible. In addition, the author attempts to present, in as much detail as possible, Japan's arguments which referred to the existing international documents, and to emphasize the internal and external significance of the problem for the Far East.(Original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Byers R.B., Ing S.C.M., Sharing in the 1980s [w:] Japan's New World Role, ed. J.D. Katz and T.C. Friedman, New York 1985.
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- Jakimowicz R., Proces kształtowania się japońsko-amerykańskiego sojuszu militarnego w latach 1976-1986, Zeszyty Naukowe, AE, Kraków 1991, nr 339.
- Koseki S., Japanizing the Constitution, "Japan Quarterly" 1988, nr 3.
- So-Called "Sea Lane Defense" [w:] Defense of Japan 1983, The Defense Agency, Japan.
- Tsuchiya R., Japan's Defence Policy: Its History and the Problems, "Strategic Analysis" 1992, nr 11.
- Yoshida S., The Yoshida Memoirs, London Melbourne Toronto 1961.
- Yukio S., The Evolution of Japanese Security Policy, London 1982.
- Zajcev E., Tamginskij I., Japonija: snova put' militarizma, Moskva 1985.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA