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1992 | nr 108 | 105
Tytuł artykułu

Empiryczne testy istotności w taksonomii

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Empirical Significance Tests in Taxonomy
Języki publikacji
W niniejszej pracy zaproponowano pewne nowe taksonomiczne procedury statystyczne jak również podano propozycje uzupełnienia znanych metod o elementy weryfikacji hipotez statystycznych. (fragment tekstu)
In the paper there have been proposed new taxonomic statistical procedures. The author has also suggested the expansion of some already popular methods in such a way as to incorporate the elements of verification of statistical hypotheses. The distributions of test statistics has been studied. First initial estimates of critical values have been generated and next, an adequate approximating analitical function has been searched for them. The analysis is designed around the three principal hypotheses that may be formulated while analyzing a set of operational taxonomic units. They are hypotheses of homogeneity, uniformity and unimodality. The hypotheses of homogeneity and unimodality are closely related. In order to verify the hypotheses of multidimensional uniformity five test statistics have been proposed. Their critical values have been determined and their ability to reject the false null hypothesis has been estimated. The author has put forward a method for mode estimation in the multi-dimensional distribution for any sample size and any (even multi-modal) distribution. The properties of the estimator have been analyzed, and its approximate mean square error has been determined. It is possible to demonstrate, while making some assumptions, that the distribution of the distance from the mode may be approximated by the chi-square distribution - which has led to the proposition of the test for unimodality. Taxonomic methods are mainly applied in the socio-economic sphere. In the final part of each chapter the author has presented examples of how the proposed tests may be applied for the solution of actual problems in the socio -economic field. (original abstract)
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