Warianty tytułu
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of the Studies on the Values
Języki publikacji
Artykuł poświęcony jest teoretycznym i metodologicznym problemom związanym z jednym z centralnych pojęć nauk społecznych - pojęciem wartości.
The author presents some problems related to the theory and methodology of the studies on the values. The methods of defining the notion of the value, based on the social sciences (social psychology and sociology), are presented. The ways of interpreting the notions related to the values, i.e. the motive, attitude, need, and aspiration, are reviewed and the relations between their theoretical meanings are discussed. The author also deals with the classification of values and the system of values. The analysed problem is: Is it possible, through studying the needs, motives of action, attitudes and aspiration, to come to any conclusions regarding the value? At last, the author analyses the indices used when empirically studying both the needs, motives, attitudes and aspiration, and the values themselves so as to determine the real relations between the theoretical meaning given to them by researches and their empirical interpretation accepted in the studies. This problem is of vital importance when determining the range of possible generalization regarding the value of an individual, of a social group, and of a society. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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