Warianty tytułu
The Stand of the British Conservative Party on Processes of Integration Taking Place within European Economic Community
Języki publikacji
Omówiono kształtowanie się poglądów brytyjskiej Partii Konserwatywnej na integrację Europy Zachodniej.
In the article the author presents the stand of the British Conservative Party on the major processes of integration which are taking place in the E.E.C. countries. The author has discussed the genesis and factors influencing the conservative conception of a political integration (from W. Churchill to J. Major). The author has also presented the attitude of British Conservatives towards an economic integration (up to the Treaty of Maastricht). Different stages in the policy of British Conservatives towards the military policy conducted by some NATO countries. The latest crisis in the British Conservative Party brought about by J. Major attitude towards integration has been indicated. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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