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The article explores the division of grammatical functions of verbs that, according to the author, is the most suitable for the general Latvian language system and illustrates this division with practical examples of language use. Respectively, all verbs are divided into two groups according to their grammatical functions - independent verbs and auxiliary verbs. All groups of verbs used with an auxiliary meaning are explored - auxiliary verbs, copulas and modal verbs. This division of verbs is based on the grammaticalization of the verbs, since, formerly, verbs, now used in auxiliary sense, were used in a substantive meaning and only gradually acquired their auxiliary meaning.The use of auxiliary verbs is a significant indicator of a grammatical system development of a language, therefore it also attracts the attention of child language researchers, as it allows exploring in what order and in what ways children acquire the corresponding meanings and functions of verbs. The aim of this study is to, within limitations, explore the grammatical functions of verbs used in child language and the order of their acquisition, to analyze peculiar constructions that are formed with auxiliary verbs, as well as to detect problems that should be prevented prior to further research. One of the main problems is the limited child language material available for this study. In order to objectively judge about the ways the grammatical system develops in child language, one should first conduct full research on language of several children, as this is the only way to observe the order and ways in which certain forms and constructions emerge in child language.Child language has the same division of grammatical functions of verbs as general language. By studying the acquisition sequence of various grammatical functions in child language, it may be concluded that independent verbs are the first to appear in child language. Children start using auxiliary verbs later - initially they use the verbs with an auxiliary meaning that are the most common in the language of their parents and in the most common constructions. The order of their appearance is as follows: copula būt (to be), modifiers gribēt, varēt (want, can), auxiliary verb būt (to be) (initially present perfect forms of the indicative mood, the rest of the forms emerge significantly later). Constructions with auxiliary verbs that are not characteristic to general language are also common in child language. Such constructions are formed at the beginning stages of auxiliary verb application, before the grammatical function system of verbs is fully understood.
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Opis fizyczny
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