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Modern world undergoes significant and continuous changes, therefore it is important to teach a child to think, search for unconventional solutions, learn to listen to the peers and adults, justify one's opinion, feel for the success and difficulties of other people, and take responsibility and risks from the very childhood.The aim of the study is to assess theoretically and practically the use of fundraising activities and plays in preschool educational institutions in order to encourage the entrepreneurial development of children aged 5-6.Materials and methods include analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature, polling, organisation of actual fundraising activities and plays, and pedagogical observation.In the teaching process in preschool educational institutions games and fundraising activities encourage the development of children's entrepreneurial skills fostering creative activities and improving speaking skills, initiative, at the same time reducing children's shyness, lack of confidence and indecision.Children's communicative competence as well as entrepreneurial skills can be encouraged by adults on the basis of their observation of children's behaviour while at play. Adults can stimulate and support shy children, taking an active part in their games, helping them by setting an example, creating a suitable environment for games, devoting time to theatrical and role plays and inviting children to participate in fundraising activities.
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- Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Latvia
- Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Latvia
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