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Introduction. Attraction of funds from European social funds for increasing economic and professional competitiveness of teachers of Latvia is strategically important.Aim of the Study. To research the options to increase the efficiency of education management in Latvia.Materials and Methods. The research carried out by the authors of the article is based on study of documents on human resources and education development planning, on study and analysis of experience at attracting the European Structural Funds for supporting teachers of various subjects in Riga and several Latvian regions.Results. The research shows that support of target scholarships to pedagogues is necessary ensuring the procedure of teaching process at schools and raising the pedagogues' competitiveness in the labour market.Conclusions. It is possible to conclude that teachers' work motivation is increased, growth of their professional proficiency is facilitated, and new teaching methods are used.
Opis fizyczny
- Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Latvia
- Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Latvia
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