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The purpose of the paper is to share the findings of a European innovation transfer project (2008-2010) for strengthening sustainability in European handicraft with the aim of transferring a German qualification and consulting concept. The focus of the paper is a train-the-trainer design, which was developed, tested and evaluated with regard to the specific qualification needs and the existing qualification concepts of five European countries. The paper provides content, didactic approach and methods of the train-the-trainer design and the key results of the related analysis of research data. Furthermore, the train-the-trainer design is embedded within the project approach, the methodology of realising an innovation transfer and the associated project products. The results of the train-the-trainer design evaluation are reflected upon with regard to starting points of a European qualification concept for sustainability in handicraft.
Opis fizyczny
- Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy, Germany
- Factor 10 Institute, Austria
- Trifolium-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany
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