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The literature of organizational structure design is relatively rich along with conceptual and complex patterns. This complexity arising from the number of elements and numerous relations in addition to the nature of variables. Thereby, the lack of operational decision-making models is felt to propose adequate structural designs in practice. In this article, the researchers employ a fuzzy multi attribute decision making model (FMADM) to select the most suitable organizational structure based on expert’s judgments and by deploying contextual dimensions of the organization. Since the organizational changes especially in the structural levels are along with resistances among involved staffs, the implementation of this model is a supportive tool in addition to help the managers to make a qualified decision and change.
Opis fizyczny
- University of Vaasa, Faculty of Technology, Industrial Management Department, 65101, Vaasa, Finland and Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburg, PA 15213, USA, alireza.aslani@uwasa.fi
- University of Tehran, Faculty of Management, Information Technology Management Department, Tehran, Iran, feryal.aslani@gmail.com
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