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The role and importance of situational methodology as one of the pedagogical tools of influence on the formation of socio-ethical values of future managers in higher schools of Ukraine and Germany have been theoretically substantiated. The possibilities of situational methodology influence on the formation of socio-ethical values of students - future managers of economic sphere in higher schools of Ukraine and Germany - have been revealed. The most important functions of the interaction of a future manager with staff have been considered. Special pedagogical factors which have an impact on students’ understanding of socio-ethical peculiarities of professional activity have been analyzed. Professionally directed situations as one of the important pedagogical mechanisms that contribute to enhancing the socio-ethical activity of the students have been considered as well as their ability to participate in meaningful, professional interaction on the basis of professional activity in deterministic situations. It has been proved that the formation of socio-ethical values by means of applying situational methodology requires modeling of situations that would activate students on finding and explaining the so-called socio-ethical and pedagogical factors that occur in professional activity. Direct and inverse relationship between the personality of a future manager and socio-ethical values of a personality in the profession of manager has been revealed. It has been proved that the managerial socio-ethical values is a reflection of a system of ethical knowledge and practical recommendations which regulate the activities of individuals in the professional community and is aimed at receiving maximum efficiency from the economic activity. In this regard two components - the professionalization of students and the formation of their socio-ethical values - make up quite multifaceted educational-upbringing process in higher schools of Ukraine as well as of Germany
Opis fizyczny
- Institute of Social Work and Management of Drahomanov National Pedagogical University Address: Osvity Str., Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine, sangela78@mail.ru
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