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Zernike polynomials have been widely used in the description and shape retrieval of 3D objects. These orthonormal polynomials allow for efficient description and reconstruction of objects that can be scaled to fit within the unit ball. However, maps defined within box-shaped regions ¶ for example, rectangular prisms or cubes ¶ are not well suited to representation by Zernike polynomials, because these functions are not orthogonal over such regions. In particular, the representations require many expansion terms to describe object features along the edges and corners of the region. We overcome this problem by applying a Gram-Schmidt process to re-orthogonalize the Zernike polynomials so that they recover the orthonormality property over a specified box-shaped domain. We compare the shape retrieval performance of these new polynomial bases to that of the classical Zernike unit-ball polynomials.
Opis fizyczny
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