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At a time when humanity experiences its greatest advances, major conflicts and abuses arise around the world due to a lack of humanism and reason within the meaning of the Enlightenment. Modernity and western comfort in our globalized society have not helped share and balance the wealth, nor preserve the natural resources; it has not prevented crimes against humanity nor the most insane dictatorial actions of the 20th and early 21st centuries. This went hand in hand with a massive degradation of the environment. Could the animal be the solution to all the mistakes we have made during the last century, instead of being considered an inferior, a slave? Could he not be the one who has managed the best in the fields of intelligence, self-regulation and respect of his vital environment? Should we not rather turn toward the animal to find a new balanced model? Respecting the environment and his peers seems to be the most striking evidence of intelligence, does it not? The animal has achieved this. Man has not. Focusing on the way man has treated animals may therefore help us to understand why we have treated our peers so badly.
Opis fizyczny
- Paris IV Sorbonne University, France, astrid.guillaume@paris-sorbonne.fr
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- http://bibliodroitsanimaux.voila.net/index.html
- Numéros de la Revue de la Fondation Droit animal, Ethique et Sciences :
- http://www.fondation-droit-animal.org/rubriques/publi_conf/publiconf_bulletin.htm
- Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme http://www.un.org/fr/documents/udhr/
- Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Animal http://www.oaba.fr/html/Droits_de_lanimal/Droits_de_lanimal.htm
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