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Characterization theory was developed in the 1970s by a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a prominent cybernetics V.A. Gorbatov, and became the nucleus of an international school. Many of today’s academy graduates make a new generation of scholars, more than 150 doctors and assistant professors, developing a new descriptive theory of cybernetic complex systems, based on the canon of the so-called characterization principle, binding the sets of y¥a functioning models and x¥bstructure models using the paradigm of monotone mappings of the considered system. This article presents an overview of the following problems: (1) the issues of functional-structural connection systems from the point of view of their design correctness; (2) the basic postulates of the characterization principle; (3) the nature of interaction between system objects; (4 and 5) mechanisms and functions for initiation of the operation; (6) the mechanisms of control and reaction functions; (7 and 8) the analytical form of initiation function and a network initialization function and (9) the axiom of extensionality (J), feasibility (R) and compatibility (Z).
Opis fizyczny
- Faculty of Management, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, t.krupa@wz.pw.edu.pl
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- [13] Krupa T. - Events and Events Processes [in] Foundations of Management - International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009, pp. 143-158.
- [14] Krupa T. - Transforming Nets [in] Foundations of Management - International Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010, pp. 21-40.
- [15] Krupa T., Ostrowska T. - Decision Making in the Flat and Hierarchical Decision Problems [in] Foundations of Management - International Journa, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2012, pp. 23-36.
- [16] Kuliňska E. - Aksjologiczny wymiar zarządzania ryzykiem procesów logistycznych. Modele i ek-sperymenty ekonomiczne, Oficyna Wyd. Politech-niki Opolskiej, Opole 2011.
- [17] Ostrowska T. - The Resource Hazards Model for the Critical Infrastructure of the State Emergency Management Process [in] Foundations of Management - International Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2013, pp. 49-60.
- [18] Prokopczuk R., Krupa T. - Modelowanie procesów biznesowych z IBM WebSphere Business Modeler [in] Uwarunkowania i analizy w systemach organi-zacyjnych przedsiebiorstw (red. T. Krupa). Oficyna Wydawnicza PTZP, Opole 2008, s. 185-198.
- [19] Prokopowicz T., Krupa T. - Modelowanie procesu zarządzania przedsiebiorstwem w sytuacji zagrože-nia upadiošcią w oparciu o zasadę charakteryzacji [in] Uwarunkowania i analizy w systemach organi-zacyjnych przedsiebiorstw (red. T. Krupa). Oficyna Wydawnicza PTZP, Opole 2008, pp. 199-216.
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