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The problem of outbound mobility of Ukrainian students has been presented in the paper. The data regarding the number of Ukrainian students studying in Canada has been pointed out. This paper examines “push-pull” factors which motivate Ukrainian students to seek higher education overseas and factors which attract Ukrainian students to Canadian higher education establishments. The research methodology comprises theoretical (descriptive, statistical, comparative) and practical (content analysis of interviews and feedbacks of Ukrainian youth and students studying at the Canadian universities and colleges) methods. Theoretical and practical results of the research focus on analysis of the educational, social, political, economic and cultural prerequisites to Ukrainian students studying abroad, in particular at the universities and colleges in Canada; the advantages of Canadian higher education system have also been suggested. Among the perspectives of further research, we define the analysis of governmental and institutional implications of international students’ recruitment with the regard to development of inbound student mobility in Canada.
Opis fizyczny
- The National University of Ostroh Academy, 2 Seminarska St., Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine, vmzhukov52@mail.ru
- The National University of Ostroh Academy, 2 Seminarska St., Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine, kateryna.simak@oa.edu.ua
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