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The problems of implementing interprofessional training of physiotherapists in universities and at the bases of the practical training of students in Great Britain have been analyzed. The role of physiotherapists in issues of medical education and practical assistance within their own profession has been defined. The list of leading training bases that took part in the pilot implementation of common learning for health professions including physiotherapy and the list of the most common topics for interprofessional learning among health professions in universities of Great Britain are given. The role of public authorities and civil communities of Great Britain in providing financing, monitoring and defining requirements for interprofessional learning in the field of physiotherapists' training has been considered. Positive results and the significance of use of interprofessional learning in physiotherapists' training to improve interprofessional communication and collabouration for more effective health services that meet the modern needs of British society have been marked out. Project tasks that will ensure the development and implementation of innovative interprofessional clinical bases of learning in the field of health care in Great Britain have been analyzed. The importance of use of positive foreign experience in the preparation of national experts in physiotherapy has been emphasized.
Opis fizyczny
- Postgraduate student, Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University, Ukraine Address: 61 Ohienko str., Khmelnytskyi region, Kamianets-Podilskyi, 32300, Ukraine, s.guk@list.ru
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