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The energy sector in Romania consists of three sub-sectors: electricity, natural gas and heat. Among these, the sub-sector of thermal energy is in the most precarious situation because it has been neglected for a long time. This sub-sector is particularly important both due to the amount of final heat consumption (of over 50% of final energy consumption), and to the fact that it has a direct negative effect on the population, industry and services. This paper presents the main directions for developing a modern strategy of the thermal energy sub-sector, which would fit into Romania’s Energy Strategy that is still in preparation This is based on the author’s 50 years of experience in this field that includes knowledge about the processes and the equipment of thermal energy, expertise in the management and restructuring of energy companies and also knowledge of the specific legislation. It is therefore recommended, following the European regulations and practices, the promotion and upgrading of district heating systems using efficient cogeneration, using trigeneration in Romania, modernizing buildings in terms of energy use, using of renewable energy sources for heating, especially biomass, and modernizing the energy consumption of rural settlements.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, Bucharest, Romania
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- Leca, A. (2013b), “Propuneri privind modalități de implementare a soluțiilor de îmbunătățire a cadrului legislativ de promovare a cogenerării de înaltă eficiență, în scopul creșterii atractivității acestuia pentru mediul investițional, în corelare cu prevederile Directivei 2012/27/CE privind eficiența energetică”, Contract nr. 105/19.09.2013, ANRE, București.
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- Ministerul Economiei (2011), “Strategia energetică a României pentru perioada 2007-2020, actualizată pentru perioada 2011-2020”.
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