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The paper deals with the issue of computational psycholinguistic analysis (CPA) and its experimental application in basic psychological and pedagogical assessment. CPA is a new method which may potentially provide interesting, psychologically relevant information about the author of a particular text, regardless of the text’s factual (semantic) content and without the need to obtain additional materials. As part of our QPA-FPT research we studied the link between the linguistic form of a text by Czech college students and their personality characteristics obtained from a psychodiagnostic test battery. The article also discusses the basis of the method, opportunities for practical application and potential use within psychological and pedagogical disciplines
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- University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice Faculty of Education Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Jeronýmova 10 371 15 České Budějovice Czech Republic, dkucera@pf.jcu.cz
- University of Hradec Králové Faculty of Education Department of Primary and Preprimary Education Náměstí svobody 301 500 03 Hradec Králové Czech Republic, jana.havigerova@uhk.cz
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