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Eurointegration is an important direction for Ukraine, especially in present political situation. Social-economic condition is very important for entering into European organizations. In this article social-economic aspects of Lviv Region, which is a border region, in conditions of modern Eurointegration are studied. On the basis of the statistic report of social-economic condition of Lviv Region of Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Region an analysis was done, which allowed making conclusions of actual condition of the region. The task of the study is to determine basic directions of regional socialeconomic development. Main methodological approaches are systemic, chorological and chronological and also such approaches as synergetic and informational. Demographic situation of the region is being analyzed in the article, in particular indicators of natural and mechanic movement of the population, and gender-age structure of the population is also described. Peculiarities of economic development of the region are revealed, indicators of gross regional product and index of competitiveness are analyzed. The condition and tendencies of research and innovation activity of the region are presented, and also a situation in small and medium business is depicted. The studies have demonstrated, that Lviv Region, in comparison with other regions of Ukraine, is characterized by high enough social-economic development. Non-productive branch, the part of which is a scientific potential (research and project-design establishments, higher educational institutions), financial organizations, trade enterprises and food industry, which totally can satisfy the needs of the region, are relatively well developed. At the same time there are also unfavorable demographic tendencies in the region, in particular depopulation of the population is the result of negative natural growth. Perspectives of the development of the region are proposed in the article, in particular the direction of regional strategy and cross-border cooperation.
Opis fizyczny
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