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The paper demonstrates the influence of different mineral fertilization with phosphorus and potassium on the concentration of copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) in the ear leaf of maize at the stage of flowering (BBCH 65) as well as the contents and accumulation of the nutrients studied in maize when fully ripe (BBCH 89). A single factor experiment was carried out in 5-year-cycle (2007-2011), in the randomized complete block design. The experiment was conducted as a part of a long-term stationary trial. The investigation comprised 8 different P and K treatments: the absolute control, exclusive of one of the main nutrients (P - WPN or K - WKN), reduced amount of phosphorus and potassium (to 25% - W25 and to 50% WP50, WK50) as well as recommended amounts of basic nutrients (NPKMg - W100 and NP*KMg, P* - P* as PAPR - W100 PAPR). Evaluation of the nutriational status, performed in the ear leaf of maize at flowering stage, showed that regardless of fertilization treatment applied, the concentration of copper was lower than normative values, whereas that of manganese ranged within the optimal scope. At the same time, there was found a significant relationship between the grain yield obtained and acquisition of both copper and manganese by maize at flowering stage (stronger for manganese, r = 0.614). The total accumulation of copper and manganese in fully ripe maize was significantly differentiated as a result of mineral fertilization. The total uptake of Cu and Mn was reduced under the conditions of 10-year lack of P fertilization. Uptake reduction was considerably more advanced when K fertilization was absent for 10 years. Regardless of the experimental factor effects, more than 50% of the total copper uptake was accumulated in grain, whereas the majority of manganese was accumulated in maize leaves (50-64% of the total uptake). Correlation analysis showed a significant relationship between maize grain yield and the total accumulation of copper, whereas that of manganese was observed only in 3 of 8 treatments tested (WPN, WP50 and W100 as PAPR).
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Opis fizyczny
- Katedra Chemii Rolnej i Biogeochemii Środowiska, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Wojska Polskiego 71F, 60-625 Poznań, Poland
- Poldanor SA, Dworcowa 25, 77-320 Przechlewo, Poland
- Katedra Metod Matematycznych i Statystycznych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Wojska Polskiego 28, 60-637 Poznań, Poland,
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