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2014 | 6 | 1 | 53-61
Tytuł artykułu

‘Transfers’ in Hungarian Literature from Vojvodina

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The study examines the variants of the postmodern phenomena of literary ‘transfer’ (‘trans-correspondence,’ ‘transpass’) and their relationships with Hungarian literature (in Vojvodina) from the beginnings (the creative tradition of Kornél Szenteleky’s oeuvre) up to the events of present-time literary history (e.g., to the publication of Esti by Péter Esterházy). Referential aspects (the literary themes of the railway, the train, the change of trains), specific contexts (e.g., Kornél Esti as a contextual ‘transferring’ literary character) and metaphorical contents (e.g., the meanings of the straight line and the plane in the literature of the region) come into the focus of our research. Another significant aspect of the research is the interpretation of the intricate web of cross-cultural ‘transfers’ (between the works of Dezső Kosztolányi-Danilo Kiš-Péter Esterházy). The dominant motif of Central-Eastern European man’s experience of space is the straight line of the flatlands: lacking the sea-experience of the Southern European or of the more southern regions, as well as the related mythical experience of the world, infinity-experience, or reality perceptions hosting unrealities. The trip in this sense is an intermediate form of life: movement towards other shapes. The direction and extent of this movement has always been defined by the ‘straight line,’ the main road, and later the straight line of the railway
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Novi Sad (Serbia), Faculty of Philosophy Department of Hungarian Studies,
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  • Juhász Erzsébet. 1996. A tisztánlátás tébolya (Danilo Kiš Fövenyóra című regénye mint a „mitteleurópai groteszk” egyik reprezentatív műve) [The Madness of Clairvoyance (Hourglass by Danilo Kiš as a Representative of the “Central European Grotesque”)]; Passió és emberhecc (Danilo Kiš Fövenyóra című regényének egy fejezetéről) [Passion and Human Bantering (about a chapter from Danilo Kiš’s Hourglass)]; A cauchemar tükörkép-labirintusa (A „mitteleurópai groteszk” Danilo Kiš A holtak enciklopédiája című kötetében) [The Image- Labyrinth of Cauchemar (the “Central European Grotesque” in Danilo Kiš’s volume Encyclopedia of the Dead]; Spirálörvény és burjánzás (A formatudat Mészöly Miklós és Danilo Kiš prózájában) [Vortex and Proliferation (Form Consciousness in the Prose of Miklós Mészöly and Danilo Kiš)] In Tükörképek labirintusa. Tanulmányok a közép-európai irodalmak köréből. [The Labyrinth of Images. Studies on Central European Literatures], 109-140. Novi Sad: Forum.
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