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2010 | 12 | 1 |
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Late Middle Eocene bats from the Creechbarrow Limestone Formation, Dorset, Southern England with description of a new species of Archaeonycteris (Chiroptera: Archaeonycteridae)

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Języki publikacji
Isolated teeth of Chiroptera from the Creechbarrow Limestone Formation of late Middle Eocene age are reported. Five distinct chiropteran taxa are present. A new species of Archaeonycteris is described, representing the last survivor of this archaic genus. Two rhinolophoid species include the hipposiderid Pseudorhinolophus schlosseri and Rhinolophidae gen. et sp. indet. Vespertilionoid bats are represented by one species Stehlinia quercyi. A single trigonid represents a small species, which could have affinity with the genus Ageina.
Opis fizyczny
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