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Technologia DArT – nowe narzędzie do analizy zmienności genetycznej

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Diversity arrays technology – a new tool for genetic diversity analysis
Języki publikacji
Technologia DArT (ang. Diversity Arrays Technology) opracowana z wykorzystaniem technologii mikromacierzy pozwala na jednoczesną analizę wielu sekwencji polimorficznych, których zmienność wynika z różnic genetycznych rozpoznawanych przez enzymy restrykcyjne. Technologię DArT zastosowano dotychczas w badaniach genetycznych 58 gatunków, w tym 53 gatunków roślin, kilku gatunków zwierząt i mikroorganizmów. Umożliwia ona tworzenie profili genetycznych gatunków bez względu na poziom dostępnej informacji molekularnej. Ze względu na automatyzację charakteryzuje się bardzo wysoką wydajnością generowania markerów (kilkaset - kilka tysięcy markerów w jednym eksperymencie), jest tania i wysoce powtarzalna (do 99,8%). Technologia DArT jest przydatna do konstrukcji silnie zagęszczonych map genetycznych w oparciu o same markery DArT lub w połączeniu z innymi typami markerów, do identyfikacji QTL oraz analizy pokrewieństwa genetycznego. Z udziałem markerów DArT skonstruowano mapy molekularne, dla jęczmienia, pszenicy, sorga, Arabidopsis thaliana, trzciny cukrowej i żyta. Analizowano zmienność genetyczną form w obrębie gatunków strączkowych, pszenicy, jęczmienia, sorga, bananów, eukaliptusa i wielu innych. Technologia DArT jest również wykorzystywana w badaniach mikroorganizmów, w tym w metagenomice oraz w badaniach molekularnych opartych na analizie całego genomu i w poszukiwaniu markerów sprzężonych z ważnymi cechami, przydatnych w hodowli roślin.
Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) provides a high-throughput whole genome genotyping platform for the detection and scoring of polymorphic loci without any need of prior sequence information. DArT was used in genetic research and breeding of 58 species including 53 plant species, several animals and microorganisms. Thanks to high level of automation in sample processing and data extraction the method is characterized by high efficiency of marker detection (several hundred to many thousands in a single assay), low per marker costs and high repetitiveness (average reproducibility of around 99,8%). The technology is useful for the construction of genetic maps of high density based only on DArT markers or together with other types of molecular markers, for QTL identification and genetic relationship analysis. DArT markers were used for the construction of molecular maps of barley, wheat, sorghum, sugarcane and rye and for genetic diversity analysis of leguminose species, wheat, barley, sorghum, banana, eucaliptus and others. DArT technology is also used in profiling microorganisms (including metagenomics), and molecular breeding based on the analysis of whole genome (genomie selection) and identification markers linked to qualitative characters by BSA method (DArT-BSA).
Opis fizyczny
  • Katedra Genetyki, Hodowli i Biotechnologii Roślin, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, ul.Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa
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  • Bolibok-Brągoszewska H., Heller-Uszyńska K., Wenzl P., Uszyński G., Kilian A., Rakoczy-Trojanowska M. 2009. DArT markers for the rye genome - genetic diversity and mapping. BMC Genomics. 10: 578.
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  • Hearnden P.R., Eckermann P.J., Mcmichael G.L., Hayden M.J., Eglinton J.K., Chalmers K.J. 2007. A genetic map of 1,000 SSR and DArT markers in a wide barley cross. Theor. Appl. Genet. 115: 383-391.
  • Heller-Uszyńska K., Uszyński G., Huttner E., Evers M., Carlig J., Caig V., Aitken K., Jackson P., Piperidis G., Сох M., Gilmour R., D’Hont A., Butterfield M., Glaszmann J.CH., Kilian A. 2009. Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) effectively reveals DNA polymorphism in a large and complex genome of sugarcane. Mol. Breeding doi 10.1007/s1032-010-9460-y.
  • Huang S., Li R., Zhang Z., Li L., Gu X., Fan W., Lucas W.J., Wang X., Xie B., Ni P., Ren Y., Zhu H., Li J., Lin K., Jin W., Fei Z., Li G., Staub J., Kilian A., Van der Vossen E.A., Wu Y., Guo J., He J., Jia Z., Ren Y., Tian G., Lu Y., Ruan J., Qian W., Wang M., Huang Q., Li B., Xuan Z., Cao J., Asan Wu Z., Zhang J., Cai Q., Bai Y., Zhao B., Han Y., Li Y., Li X., Wang S., Shi Q., Liu S., Cho W.K., Kim J.Y., Xu Y., Heller-Uszyńska K., Miao H., Cheng Z., Zhang S., Wu J., Yang Y., Kang H., Li М., Liang H., Ren X., Shi Z., Wen M., Jian M., Yang H., Zhang G., Yang Z., Chen R., Liu S., Li J., Ma L., Liu H., Zhou Y., Zhao J., Fang X., Li G., Fang L., Li Y., Liu D., Zheng H., Zhang Y., Qin N., Li Z., Yang G., Yang S., Bolund L., Kristiansen K., Zheng H., Li S., Zhang X., Yang H., Wang J., Sun R., Zhang B., Jiang S., Wang J., Du Y., Li S. 2009. The genome of the cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. Nat. Genet. 41(12): 1275-1281.
  • Jaccoud D., Peng K., Feinstein D., Kilian A. 2001. Diversity Arrays: a solid state technology for sequence information independent genotyping. Nucleic Acids Research 29: e25.
  • James K.E., Schneider H., Ansell S.W., Evers M., Robba L., Uszynski G., Pedersen N., Newton A.E., Russel S.J., Vogel J.C., Kilian A. 2008. Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) for pan-genomic evolutionary studies of non-model organisms. PLoS ONE 3: e1682.
  • Jing H.C., Bayon C., Kanyuka K., Berry S., Wenzl P., Huttner E., Kilian A., Hammond-Kosak K. 2009. DArT markers: diversity analyses, genomes comparison, mapping and integration with SSR markers in Triticum monococcum. BMC Genomics 10: 458.
  • Kilian A., Huttner E., Wenzl P., Jaccoud D., Carling J., Caig V., Evers M., Heller-Uszynska K., Cayla C., Patarapuwadol S., Xia L., Yang S., Thomson B. 2005. The fast and the cheap: SNP and DArT-based whole genome profiling for crop improvement.Tuberosa R., Phillips R.L., Gale M. (red.). Proceedings of the International Congress „In the wake of the double helix: from the green revolution to the gene revolution”. 27-31 V 2003, Bologna, Italy. Avenue Media: 443-461.
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  • Mace E.S., Rami J.F., Bouchet S., Klein P.E., Klein R.R., Kilian A., Wenzl P., Xia L., Halloran K., Jordan D.R. 2009. A consensus genetic map of sorghum that integrates multiple component maps and high-throughput Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers. BMC Plant Biology 9: 13.
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  • Рaux Е., Sourdille P., Salse J., Saintenac C., Choulet F., Leroy P., Korol A., Michalak M., Kianian S., Spielmeyer W., Lagudah E., Somers D., Kilian A., Alaux M., Vautrin S., Bergčs H., Eversole K., Appels R., Safar J., Simkova H., Dolezel J., Bernard M., Feuillet C. 2008. A physical map of the 1 gigabase bread wheat chromosome 3B. Science 3222(5898): 101-104.
  • Peleg Z., Saranga Y., Suprunova T., Ronin Y., Röder M.S., Kilian A., Korol A.B., Fahima T. 2008. High-density genetic map of durum wheat x wild emmer wheat based on SSR and DArT markers. Theor. Appl. Genet. 117: 103-115.
  • Perrier X., Bakry F., Carreel F., Jenny C., Horry J.P., Lebot V., Hippolyte I. 2009. Combining biological approaches to highlight the evolution towards edible bananas. Ethnobot. Res. Appl. 7: 199-216.
  • Rheault M.E., Dallaire C., Marchand S., Zhang L., Lacroix M., Belzile F. 2007. Using DArT and SSR markers for QTL mapping of Fusarium head blight resistance in six-row barley. Plant and Animal Genomes XV Conference, San Diego, 13-17 I 2007. CA: 335.
  • Risterucci A.M., Hippolyte I., Perrier X., Xia L., Caig V., Evers M., Huttner E., Kilian A., Glaszmann J.CH. 2009. Development and assessment of Diversity Arrays Technology for high-throughput DNA analyses in Musa. Theor. Appl. Genet. 119: 1093-1103.
  • Semagn K., Bjornstad A., Skinnes H., Maroy AG., Tarkegne Y., William M. 2006. Distribution of DArT, AFLP, and SSR markers in a genetic linkage map of a doubled-haploid hexaploid wheat population. Genome 49: 545-55.
  • Tinker N.A., Kilian A., Wight C.P., Heller-Uszyńska K., Wenzl P., Rines H.W., Bjornstad A., Howarth C.J., Jannink J.L., Anderson J. M., Rossnagel B.G., Stuthman D.D., Sorrells M.E., Jackson E.W., Tuvesson S., Kolb F.L., Olsson O., Federizzi L.C., Carson M.L., Ohm H.H., Molnar S.J., Scoles G.J., Eckstein P.E., Bonman J.M., Ceplitis A., Langdon T. 2009. New DArT markers for oat provide enhanced map coverage and global germplasm characterization. BMC Genomics 10: 39.
  • Wenzl P., Carling J., Kudrna D., Jaccoud D., Huttner E., Kleinhofs A., Kilian A. 2004. Diversity arrays technology (DArT) for whole-genome profiling of barley. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 101: 9915-9920.
  • Wenzl P., Li H., Carling J., Zhou M., Raman H., Paul E., Hearnden P., Maier C., Xia L., Caig V., Ovesna J., Cakir M., Poulsen D., Wang J., Raman R., Smith K.P., Muehlbauer G.J., Chalmers K.J., Kleinhofs A., Huttner E., Kilian A. 2006. A high-density consensus map of barley linking DArT markers to SSR, RFLP and STS loci and phenotypic traits. BMC Genomics 7: 206.
  • Wenzl P., Raman H., Wang J., Zhou M., Huttner E., Kilian A. 2007. A DArT platform for quantitative bulked segregant analysis. BMC Genomics 8: 196.
  • White J., Law J.R., Mackay I., Chalmers K.J., Smith J.S., Kilian A., Powell W. 2008. The genetic diversity of UK, US and Australian cultivars of Triticum aestivum measured by DArT markers and considered by genome. Theor. Appl. Genet. 116: 439-453.
  • Wittenberg A.H.J. 2007. Genetic mapping using the Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT): application and validation using the whole-genome sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana and the fungal wheat. Praca doktorska. Uniwersytet w Wageningen: 222 ss.
  • Wittenberg A.H.J., Ben M’Barek S., Ware S.B., Goodwin S.B., Kilian A., Visser R.G.F., Kema G.H.J., Schouten H.J. 2009. Meiosis drives extraordinary genome plasticity in the haploid fungal plant pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola. PLoS ONE 4(6): e5863.
  • Wittenberg A.H.J., Van Der Lee T., Cayla C., Kilian A., Visser R.,G.F., Schouten H.J. 2005. Validation of the high-throughput marker technology DArT using the mpdel plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol. Gen. Genomics 274: 30-39.
  • Xia L., Peng K., Yang S., Wenzl P., De Vincente C., Fregene M., Kilian A. 2005. DArT for high-throughput genotyping of cassava (Manihot esculenta) and its wild relatives. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110: 1092-1098.
  • Yang S., Pang W., Asn G., Harper J., Carling J., Wenzl P., Huttner E., Zong X. Kilian A. 2006. Low level of genetic diversity in cultivated Pigeonpea compared to its wild relatives is revealed by diversity arrays technology TAG Theor. Appl. Genet. 113: 1432-2242.
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