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O Wiśle i piasku

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About Vistula and sand
Języki publikacji
Vistula River is the last big, wild and unregulated river in Western and Central Europe. And it is its the biggest value - it is the south-north ecological corridor for water and terrestrial animals, habitat for many species of birds in summer and in winter. The sandy banks and islands in the Vistula River play a important role in self-purification of riverine water - one square meter of the sandy bank (or beach) utilizes 100 g of organic matter (in Vistula there are first of all anthropogenic wastes)per year. If this 100 g will be multiplied by hundred thousands square meters of riverine beaches, sand banks and other sandy places, we will have tons of wastes utilized by sandy microfauna to carbon dioxide gas and water. And it is main reason why me must protect the natural “wildness” of Vistula River.
Opis fizyczny
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