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‘Never to Get to Any Bottom of the Matter’: Bruno Schulz and Giorgio de Chirico
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The text is dedicated to the interpretation of the category of the ‘new man’ in the art and writing of Bruno Schulz analyzed in the context of Debora Vogel’s prose, as well as George Grosz’s and Giorgio de Chirico’s painting. The concept of the ‘new man’ was shaped both in the optimistic perspective of perceiving the industrialized world by the inter-war Avant-garde and also within the catastrophic diagnosis of dehumanized reality, formulated by neo-Realists and neo-Classicists of the 1920s and 1930s. The concept quickly spread onto the geo-cultural territory constituting Europe which was gaining its new shape after the disaster of the Great War; into large artistic and intellectual centres of Paris, Rome, and Berlin; as well as onto peripheral territories and into marginal centres of the Old Continent of the kind of Galicia’s Lwów and Drohobycz.
Opis fizyczny
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