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"The Index Card" by Tadeusz Różewicz on the Stages of Puppet Theatres
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The article is devoted to the presence of "The Index Card" by Tadeusz Różewiczin puppet theatre. It discusses the productions at the following puppet theatres: the Groteska Theatre in Cracow (1961), the Lalek Theatre in Białystok (1972), the Olsztyński Teatr Lalek (2001), Teatr Dzieci Zagłębia im. Jana Dormana – Scena Inicjatyw Twórczych in Będzin (2011), and the Lalki i Aktora Theatre in Łomża(2012). The discussion, based on numerous archival sources and press reviews,presents major conceptual assumptions of the producers, some problems relating to stage design and directing, and the overall message that each of the productions conveyed. Special attention is given to the changes in how the drama by Różewicz has been treated over the years. In more than fifty years since the puppet theatre premiere of the play, some directors have deviated from the original text of "The Card Index" in a substantial way. While the Cracow and Białystok productionsstrictly adhered to the text, the productions of the last dozen years clearly tend to contemporise the play and even complement it rather arbitrarily with fragments of other works by Różewicz. Each of the productions has also been analysed inrelation to the history of puppet theatre in Poland of the last decades, which shows a consistent trend to move away from the traditional means of expression of this art form.
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
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- H. Sych, Tajemnice teatru lalek, Łódź 2010.
- A. Taborska, Spiskowcy wyobraźni; surrealizm, Gdańsk 2007.
- M. Waszkiel: Dzieje teatru lalek w Polsce 1944–2000, Warszawa 2012.
- H. Waszkiel, Dramaturgia polskiego teatru lalek, Warszawa 2013.
- Zofia i Władysław Jaremowie. Dokumentacja działalności, oprac. A. Stafiej, Łódź 2001.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA