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Rapid diffusion of ICT has produced significant changes in the way and place for the production of goods and provides services. This implies that ICT had an impact on the industrial structure and geographical location of regions. The ICT industry in the Slovak Republic has been one of few industries in which the employment has continuously grown and this sector has the lowest unemployment rate of all sectors of the economy and permanently grows. All these findings have caused the author to measure the concentration of ICT sector in the Slovak Republic at the regional level. The aim of this paper is to map the regional disparities in the ICT sector in the Slovak republic. The analyses developed for this manuscript are based on two main methodologies: regional and cluster analyses. The existence of disparities between regions is indisputable. All the characteristics and calculations confirmed large disparities in the ICT sector in individual regions. As finding showed, the ICT sector is the driving force of the Slovak economy and economic development. The results call for greater attention to regional disparities in ICT sector in the Slovak Republic.
Opis fizyczny
- Faculty of PEDAS, Žilinská Univerzita v Žiline, Slovak Republic
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