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Fear of crime and sexual orientation
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Searching factors correlated with the fear of crime is – together with estimating intensity of the fear of crime – one of the fundamental topics of many research projects devoted to this issue. It has been already investigated whether the fear of crime is correlated with such factors as age, sex, place of residence, level of education or previous victimization experiences. The aim of this research is to determine whether fear of crime can be correlated with sexual orientation.Author makes an assumption that non-heterosexuals can experience fear connected with probability of being the victim of a crime more often than others because of their minority status and bias in the society.In order to verify the hypothesis author conducted qualitative research (internet questionnaire)among 285 people. To reach members of such particular group as non-heterosexuals the purposive (judgmental) sampling has been chosen.Admittedly the research has not confirmed correlation between fear of crime and any of pre-sented factors, probably because of the specificity of the structure of the observed group. The author’s recommendation is to conduct either additional quantitative research or research based on the representative group (random selection).
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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