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The Effectiveness of Teaching Polysemous Body-Related Words According to the Principles of Cognitive Linguistics
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The aim of the article is to consider the effectiveness of a cognitive linguistic approach towards teaching words characterized by many meanings. Traditional linguistics views lexical ambiguities in terms of ho-monymy, i.e. the phenomenon where two or more words happen to be written or pronounced the same way, while cognitive linguistics regards the fact in terms of polysemy whereby the meanings are system-atically related. The results of a pilot experiment serve as the point of departure in the present article. The preliminary experiment, which was carried on Moodle platform, involved two groups of participants. The control group was asked to memorize body-related items, while the experimental group was presented with the cognitive rubrics with the purpose of rising students’ awareness of metaphorical motivation binding the words. The average score higher in the post-test in the experimental group supported the hypothesis that drawing learners’ attention to the embodiment and imaginativeness of language by emphasising the cogni-tive mechanisms based on metaphor, i.e. experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another, and metonymy, using one thing to indicate another that is related to it (G. Lakoff/ M. Johnson 1980) enhances linguistic entrenchment.
Opis fizyczny
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