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Two Netherlandish panel-stamped bindings in the collections of the Kórnik Library
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Th is paper presents two rare 16th-century panel-stamped bindings from the collections of the Kórnik Library. Th e fi rst one, decorated with an impression of a panel depicting the personifi cation of the Christian virtue of Hope (Spes), protects the printed book published in 1545. Th e binding was made by a Netherlandish bookbinder working in Leuven, called Master IP, identifi ed with Jacob Pandelaert (d. ab. 1563). Th e second binding presents a Gothic motif of animals-in-foliage and protects a printed book published in 1550. Th e authorship of the panel (the so-called de profundis) is attributed to a bookbinder working in the town of ’s-Hertogenbosch (fr. Bois-le-Duc), Geraert van der Hatart (d. ab. 1540/1541). Both these bindings testify to the fact that the holdings of the Kórnik Library include gems of the West-European bookbinding craft .
Opis fizyczny
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