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The Far Right – Its References to Germanic Culture and Norse-Germanic Mythology
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In the review article is the book by Georg Schuppener disscused under the title “The shadows of the ancestors. The reception of Germanic culture on the German-speaking far right”. This is the next book by the author, in which on the one hand he touches on topics related to the language of German far right, on the other hand he points out the different references, e.g. to Germanic history, culture or mythology, which right-wing extremists use to form their identity, tradition and to legitimize and underpin their beliefs and activities. As an introduction, the author explains the current state of research and what he believes to be the research deficits, as well as the concept and organizational forms of the far right. Georg Schuppener takes the diverse material for his research from social media, websites of right-wing extremist groups and their forums, and also analyzes song lyrics of the far-right bands. However, the author goes further in his research and examines the websites of the Internet shops that offer the far-right propaganda publications, clothing and music. Based on the corpus, he explains how and for what purposes various references to Germanic culture and Norse-Germanic mythology are realized by the far-right scene. He analyzes the wide range of T-shirts, jewellery, everyday objects or stickers that are used as carriers of symbolism related to Germanic cultural history or that convey messages of violence.
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Opis fizyczny
- Universität Wrocław, Wrocław
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