Warianty tytułu
On the role of worms in the vanitas discourse in the Polish poetry of the late Renaissance and Baroque periods
Języki publikacji
The article discusses the role of vermin in the vanitas discourse in the Polish poetry from the late 16th until the 18th centuries. The introduction, using the example of Żale nagrobne by Sebastian Fabian Klonowic, shows the change in the manner of discussing death, which came about soon after the death of Jan Kochanowski, making it possible to return to the medieval visions of decomposition, enriched by that poet by a broad range of hideous things, symbols of vanity. The second part of the paper discusses Baroque paintings of worms eating away the corpse based on selected works, and presents major poetic devices which are meant to convey the vanitas message. There are descriptions of metaphysical nature and ones showing the nothingness of existence in a purely earthly dimension. The paper closes with remarks on exhausting the vanitas discourse using the worms imagery, the example of which are poems using the coffin hideousness in an erotic context.
Opis fizyczny
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