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A Burgher House in Gdańsk. The Revalorisation of the Main Hallway in Długi Targ 43
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The house under examination, situated in the representative part of the Main Town, in the vicinity of the Manor of Artus and the Town Hall, was always the property of celebrated burghers. Its conception of a patrician residence was to combine the fulfillment of the utilitarian needs of its inhabitants and representative-commercial functions. The latter w ere served by the entrance hall, with a lavishly carved staircase and mezzanine, situated vis a vis the main entrance. Additional decorative elements included opulent w ardrobes, tables, clocks, mirrors, paintings, candlesticks and porcelain. In 1709 the house was purchased by the municipal authorities and adapted to the purposes of a municipal court; as a result, the main hallway remained unaltered, and did not share the fate of nineteenth-century Gdansk interiors. The first attempt at a revalorisation of the so-called Gdansk hallway was conducted after 1900 by Lesser Gieldzinski, local collector and art connaisseur. By introducing a representative Baroque image, he rendered indelible in town tradition the appearance and wealth of a patrician home. The second world war destroyed the interior almost totally. Its „revival”, which seemed to be an almost implausible task, was assisted by original early eighteenth-century outfitting from the palace in Klanin near Puck, which survived thanks to its evacuation from one of the Gdansk houses in 1891. Considerable efforts of the conservation services accomplished the adaptation of assorted elements of this outfitting, arranged upon the basis of extant works by Johann Carl Schultz, Gdańsk painter and engraver from about the middle of the nineteenth century. The interior, made available to the public, is the joint achievement of the staff of the Historical Museum of Gdańsk and the local conservators, presented to the town as a modest example of the high residential culture and customs of the Gdańsk burghers.
Opis fizyczny
- Por. R. Massalski, J. Stankiewicz, Budownictwo mieszkalne, (w:) Gdańsk jego dzieje i kultura, Warszawa 1969, s. 16 0 -1 7 8 .
- K. Hauke, Das Bürgerhaus in Ost- und Westpreussen. Das Deutsche Bürgerhaus, Tubingen 1967.
- Szeroko omawia te wpływy T. Zarębska, Wybrane aspekty nowożytnej przebudowy Gdańska w 2 połowie XVI i 1 ćwierci XVII w ieku, Warszawa 1994, mpis.
- J. C. Schulzt, Danzig und seine Bauwerke, Berlin 1856.
- H. Phleps, Das ehemalige Schöffenhaus der Rechtstadt Danzig, „Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung” 1908, nr 57, s. 389.
- P. Simson, Der Artushof in Danzig und seine Brüderschaften — die Banken, Danzig 1900, s. 246; H. Phleps, op. cit., s. 38.
- Cz. Betlejewska, Gdańskie wnętrza mieszczańskie, Gdańsk 1984 (dokumentacja historyczna, mpis).
- Karola Ogiera Dziennik podróży do Polski, 1 6 3 5 -1 6 3 6 , tłum. E. Jędrkiewicz, t. I, Gdańsk 1950, s. 16 n.
- Kleefeld (Stadtbauinspector), „Die Denkmalpflege”, IV Jahrgang, Berlin 1902, nr 6, s. 4 1 -4 2 .
- Cz. Betlejewska, Nowy Dom Ławy, tzw. Sień Gdańska, „Jantarowe Szlaki” 1994, nr 3, s. 19.
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