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The Polychromy of the Renaissance Tile Stove in the Court of Arthur in Gdańsk
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The Renaissance stove in the Court of Arthur in Gdańsk is one of the few objects of this type which, apart from the traditional glazing, contain fragments embellished with organic paint. Orginally, the polychromy covered the stone socle of the stove, the clay frames surrounding the tiles and partially the ceramic tablet with the coat of arms of Gdańsk. The article discusses the history of research into the scheme of the stove as well as the outcome of laboratory examinations into the races of the extant original layer and numerous repainting. The table displays the composition of paint used for particular fragments of the stove. The colour boards interpret the outcome of the research and show the appearance of the original design and subsequent repainting. The results of the study have been confirmed after the reconstruction of the solid of the stove which comprises a consistent architectonic and painting composition. The polychromy of the corner tiles and frieze emphasises its architecture. Elements of the crown and base echo the multihued tiles. The gilt fragments, endow this enormous construction with a certain feeling of lightness.
Opis fizyczny
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