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2017 | 1 | 11-19
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Roundup – pros and cons of super herbicide

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The spread of plant protection products (pesticides) in the environment is undeniable fact. Only agricultural products from farms carried out in the organic system (natural-origin insecticides are acceptable and natural methods to combat weeds are applied in such cases) are inherently free from the presence of chemicals. According to a current scientific knowledge and the legislation, the presence of pesticides in agricultural goods and food should not be alarming, provided that the level of pesticides does not exceed the established maximum permissible values (e.g. for cereals it is the range from 0.1 to 20 mg/kg; for sugar beet 15 mg/kg; for fruits, root vegetables and legumes 0.1–0.5 mg/kg). Is the legally recognized presence of synthetic chemicals in food safe for humans and the environment? The aim of the study is to present empirically documented risks, and profits resulting from the massive use of pesticides, using the example of herbicides with glyphosate (commonly known under the trade name Roundup). Discussion upon the impact of herbicides with glyphosate on living organisms applied the results of research published in peer-reviewed worldwide journals. There is no other common herbicide (containing active ingredient in a form of glyphosate), which inspires much controversy as Roundup and other glyphosate herbicides. Extreme opinions of scientists, farmers and consumers of agricultural products, divided society into two groups: the supporters and the opponents of this preparation. By analyzing various aspects of glyphosate spread within the environment, authors of this work sought to get to the source of conflicting opinions.
Opis fizyczny
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