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The system presented in this paper is designed to manage medical services at the Center for Rehabilitation and Cosmetology operating at the University of Computer Science and Skills in Lodz. The Center provides rehabilitation services and medical cosmetology. The purpose of the system is to create and modify the schedule of services provided by the Centre, including the availability of the resources, the preferences provided by the patient and the conditions resulting from the specific nature of these services. The system consists of the following components: a repository of resources, the databases describing the current schedule, the language of description of the relationships between the resources, a query language, with the editor supporting the query creation, and the two applications, the first generates a sequence of services required by the patient and the second modifies the current schedule to take account of the requested services.
Opis fizyczny
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lodz
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lodz
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lodz
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