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2012 | 4(26) | 9-19
Tytuł artykułu

Determinants of market transformation from monopoly to competition in the sectors of infrastructure, using the example of the postal industry

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Warianty tytułu
Determinanty transformacji rynkowej w sektorach infrastruktury (od monopolu do konkurencji) na przykładzie poczty
Języki publikacji
The public post office has important public and economic functions. Its history of universal service confirms that the post office is reliable and directed by public interests, with unique networks and offering successful delivery services. In the last twenty years the world’s postal sector was characterized by a significant transformation which created the conditions for the abolition of monopolies in the postal market. Many postal operators who were previously a state service converted to transnational corporations through privatization. The development of postal and telecommunication technology has helped to create a competitive postal market. This paper puts forward an attempt to answer two basic questions:why can basic necessities, which are more important than the postal service, be sold in a competitive market, why was this solution for the postal service not available for a long time?
Opis fizyczny
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