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Depressive disorders in adolescents and young adults can have serious developmental and functional consequences, and bring about significant maintaining psychosocial difficulties. A series of specific factors act on students, which can play a major role in shaping depressive disorders. The problem of depression among students is particularly important due to the increase in the number of people studying in recent times. Therefore, the main objective of the studies was to determine the risk of depression and suicidal thoughts occurring among students in Poznan’ , as well as an analysis of variables such as gender, housing conditions, origin (city, countryside), or material status for the shaping of depression. The studies covered a group of 1065 students. The average age of respondents was 21.1 years old. 72% of respondents were women. The study was anonymous. The study used the KADS test – Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale and demographic data of respondents. According to the studies, 6.1% of respondents were exposed to the risk of depression, and 1.6% had suicidal thoughts. Among the analyzed demographic factors, financial status of the respondent and origin had the greatest impact on the probability of the risk of depression occurring. In the case of both these variables, the influence on the occurrence of the risk of depression was statistically significant. The results obtained indicate that students from rural areas or small towns, whose financial status is low, are particularly at risk of depression.
Głównym celem artykułu jest oszacowanie występowalności ryzyka depresji i myśli samobójczych wśród studentów, z uwzględnieniem takich czynników, jak: płeć, miejsce zamieszkania, pochodzenie, aktualne warunki mieszkaniowe oraz deklarowany status finansowy.
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