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Guild Relics in the Collection of the National Museum in Szczecin
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Craft guilds participated actively in the socio-economic life of towns from the 13th century up to the 19th century. A valuable and interesting source to study their history are material relics that remained of their activities. The article describes the guild artefacts which are to be found in the collection of the National Museum in Szczecin. They have been divided into several groups according to their application: fi ttings of the guild chamber or inn, objects used in the formal activities of the guilds, and identifi cation and legal signs. The article is a starting point and a hint for the researchers who will decide to use other than written sources in their investigations. A closer analysis of particular objects may be useful not only in the description of the functioning and importance of the organisations analysed, but in establishing their chronology.
Opis fizyczny
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