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2014 | 17 | 231-245
Tytuł artykułu

The hidden author of the Corpus Dionysiacum – authenticity, rejection and apophasis in the historical context

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The following paper aims to show that explanation of Pseudo‑Dionysius’ identity has importance to the interpretation of the Corpus Dionysiacum philosophy. I investigate the turn in the Dionysian issue that took place in the history of research on the author’s true identity: from plain recognition of Dionysius first‑century authorship, through its negation, back to acknowledgement of his relation to the times of Apostles as significant. The first part of the paper includes introduction into chosen aspects of the history of the research into the Corpus Dionysiacum author’s identity. The closing part refers to the conception of the contemporary scholars Ch. M. Stang and W. Riordan, who have tried to understand the meaning of the unknown author’s pseudonym as important to interpretation of all his writings.The scholars’ assumption is to reveal that the author and his work arecomplementary elements, and that separation causes some loss.
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Opis fizyczny
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