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The Impact of EU Funds on the Development of the Tourism Market in the Coastal Regions in Poland – the Case Study of the Gdańsk Coast
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The range of infrastructure investments realized in the period from 2004 to 2013, co-fi nanced by the EU funds, is really impressive. Lots of new companies providing services to tourists have been established. These activities allowed to create hundreds of jobs and to decrease the unemployment. The communication accessibility to the tourist destinations was improved, numerous monuments were restored and lots of cultural and entertainment centers and sports facilities were built etc. Moreover, thanks to the richer cultural, entertainment and tourist offers, more tourists were attracted and encouraged for longer stays in the Coast in order to decrease the negative effects of seasonality. Social and economic benefi ts of the implementation of the EU projects caused that local authorities do not intend to give up future investments in the new fi nancial perspectives 2014–2020. The purpose of the research is to assess the impact of projects co-fi nanced by EU for development of tourism market in the coastal regions.
Opis fizyczny
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