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2012 | Tom IX (L), fasc. B | 259-272
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Ways of Making Fire in the Late Stone Age in the Polish Lands in the Context of Experimental and Use-Wear Examinations
Języki publikacji
The main aim of this paper is to introduce research opportunities that open up to the Polish archaeology through the microscopic and experimental analysis of the Stone Age fire-making methods. This paper also presents a preliminary research of the artefacts from the Neolithic to practically illustrate the benefits of the proposed approach. The goal of this research is to interpret one of the possible ways of making fire, which is carried out by rubbing a flint artefact against raw material containing ferruginous minerals (e.g. pyrite, marcasite). This is the only method that can be verified with the available archaeological data and the use-wear analysis. Experimental and microscopic analysis showed that among Neolithic societies of the Polish territory the use of flint strike-a-lights to make fire had been known. Representatives of Neolithic groups probably used forms that were incorporated into a wide group of “blunt borers” as strike-a-lights. This group includes flint blades whose individual parts were covered with intentional retouch. However, no sufficient data are available to conclude that all flint tools, which are identified as typological “blunt borers,” were indeed used as strike-a-lights. Although visible traces on original artefacts (in the form of rounded protruding parts) can indicate this type of application, similar macroscopic features can be observed on experimental tools used for other purposes. This type of activity can be performed on rocks: sandstone, slate, limestone and hematite. The degree of development of these deformations depends on the technique of work, material hardness, and the intensity of motions. However, results of functional analysis showed by the high-power microscopy indicate clear differences in the structure ofthe utilised area depending on the type of workpiece material. Therefore, the utilisation of at least part of flint tools from Gródek and Ćmielów (the settlements connected to the Funnel Beaker Culture) analysed under the microscope can be determined with a high probability. The performed research of fire making methods from the Neolithic creates a base for further research. Additional use-wear analysis and experimental studies should be applied in a broader context of fire making methods used in other periods of the Stone Age in the Polish territories.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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