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Areas of Cooperation between Universities in the Training of Specialists. Universities – Employers – Professional Associations
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The paper presents the results of the research aiming at improving. The starting point is to define educational objectives at universities, which according to the author are: 1) education (transfer of knowledge to students); 2) socialization (preparing students for future professional roles); 3) individual development of students (stimulating via teacher - student interaction and creating appropriate conditions for the development); 4) social change (university and teacher and student environment work to solve the problems and reconstruct social relationship). To achieve these goals a university should cooperate not only with employers (narrowing the aims of its actions to the education serving the needs of labor market), but also with professional associations. If the realization of above-mentioned educational goals is enclosed in terms of social processes, it is interesting to learn about the professional role models from the educational perspective and how the process is influenced by three aforesaid factors: universities, employers and professional associations. The author claims that to meet the social expectations of higher education this category is equally important as the category of professional competencies. The category of professional role model allows for a wider approach to the function of university and linking it with the social structure - affiliation to a determined professional category, not just to an organization where the professional role is accomplished. It is a theoretical problem to answer the question about the impact of indicated objects on secondary socialization processes taking place while studying at university, which aims at identifying patterns of professional roles of specialists characteristic for each of the environments. The realization of this goal facilitates the communication processes between universities, employers and professional associations in order to perfect training processes. The paper is based on the author’s own research concerning the comparison of a professional management model the graduates identify with, with the professional model promoted by the media, press releases and employer expectations.
Opis fizyczny
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