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The existence of modern man is largely determined by modern technologies and multimedia. Almost every sphere of his life is marked by the need to use them or support them. This also applies to the emotional sphere, which is the most delicate and prone to abuse. An increasing percentage of people, including seniors, decide to look for acquaintance and love on various types of internet portals. This seemingly safe way of establishing close relationships can end up with serious financial and health consequences. The literature on the subject talks about the so-called double hitting: financial and psychological losses. The article describes the phenomenon of marriage fraud. The author aims to show the stages of entering into a toxic relationship with a matrimonial scammer as an example of the individual experiences of seniors, and to raise the awareness of people who use this form of establishing relationships by indicating what features or life situations predispose them to be a potential victim. As part of preventive measures, selected methods of protection against fraudsters were presented. The research adopted a qualitative and interpretative paradigm. The research material was collected using the case study method. The obtained data was supplemented with the literature analysis. The results of the research allowed to capture the mechanisms of the victim's behavior, triggered by successive elements of the scenario played by the matrimonial fraud during the establishment and course of acquaintance on the Internet. The described cases of senior women became the basis for reflection on how to counteract this type of crime.
Opis fizyczny
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