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The objective and subjective scope of the principle of objective truth In the decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court
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Jednym z najistotniejszych przejawów stosowania prawa przez organy administracji publicznej jest wydawanie aktów administracyjnych, konkretyzujących w sposób precyzyjny działania władcze administracji co do ich adresata oraz jego sytuacji, w której znajduje zastosowanie dana, określona norma prawna (lub normy prawne). Działania te mieszczą się w ramach postępowania administracyjnego, które z jednej strony kształtują ciąg czynności procesowych organów orzekających, z drugiej zaś tworzą pewne instytucje wyposażone w prawne instrumenty mające zagwarantować, że proces administracyjny osiągnie swój cel w sposób sprawny i skuteczny. Niebagatelną rolę dla tych poczynań odgrywa prawidłowe ustalenie zakresu przedmiotowego i podmiotowego wyznaczającego granice normowania tej materii przez kodeks postępowania administracyjnego. Rozważania te należy rozpocząć od próby wskazania, jakie obszary wniesionej sprawy winny być uznane za istotne i w konsekwencji tego badane przez organy administracji publicznej dla zadośćuczynienia prawdzie obiektywnej, stanowiącej podstawę późniejszych rozstrzygnięć.
This article concerns subjective and objective aspects of the issue of applying the principle of objective truth in administrative proceedings in the light of the decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court from 1981 to 2004. These dates mark the beginning and ending of the functioning of the SAC in its original structure. This study is aimed at pinpointing the areas of the case which should be acknowledged as vital and, in consequence, analyzed by the civil service bodies to fulfill the objective truth which constitutes the basis of further decisions. On analyzing the relationship between the obligation of establishing the actual state and defining the actual content of the case legal relation one can come to a conclusion that two prescriptive determinants fall within the scope of the principle of objective truth: the actual one – demanding a precise clarification of the actual state from the bodies which conduct legal proceedings, and the legal one – demanding from the same bodies the examination of the established actual state in the light of all legal articles which might be applied in the case. The hereby elaboration also contains deliberations on the issue of specifying the subjects which are obliged to realize the standards coded in the principle of objective truth. This issue is essential for many reasons. Firstly, the subjective scope of the principle of objective truth indicates the addressees of the legal standard coded in it. Secondly, the addressee as the syntactic element of this standard is not exclusively specifi ed in the article 7 of the code of administrative proceedings but also in other articles of this code such as the article 1 § 1 – central government bodies and local authorities – which are of great signifi cance for functioning of state government bodies, or the article 1 § 2 – state and municipal administrative units, self-government organizations, cooperative organizations, professional organizations and other public organizations – which carry out certain tasks within the scope of civil service according to the procedures provided for these bodies, but their legal and public authority does not go beyond the boundaries which enable the realization of tasks or achieving objectives for which they were appointed by separate regulations. Thirdly, from the above observations it appears that the doctrine explicitly separates public authority which are regulated by the legal articles of the code of administrative proceedings from organizational authority – regulated by special legal articles. Finally, one has to bear in mind the changes which took place as a result of political transformations which caused, among other things, the restructuring of central government administration, the re-establishment of local government and the development of self - government bodies.
Opis fizyczny
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Identyfikator YADDA