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Social value of work vs. institutional structure of the labor market
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The article focuses on presentation of the interaction between the social value of work and institutional structure of the labor market and its impact on the behavior of actors on the labor market described by the phenomena of institutional unemployment. Its intellectual background was based on institutional economics. Institutional economics assume the interaction between people and organizations and examine the rules of this interaction. It proves that the economic analysis should be interdisciplinary and focus on social, cultural, political, historical and other aspects. This is especially important for the analysis of the modern labor market, where cultural factors play a major role. The above theoretical findings as well as the current situation of the labor market give the author of this article reason to formulate the assumption that leaving aside studies formal and informal institutions as well the social value of work may result in incomplete picture of labor market. The paper presents the concept of social value of work, describes the institutional structure of the labor market, sets the concept of institutional effi ciency and effectiveness, and fi nally defi nes the phenomena of institutional unemployment.
Opis fizyczny
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