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In order to get an impression about older LGBTIQ+ persons in Germany a look at the current legal situation helps to understand the current state of several achieved rights with a history of slow acceptance. Even with current rights, scars of previous discrimination shape the experiences of older members of the LGBTIQ+ communities – especially the massive violence and discrimination of gay men who were labeled with the pink triangle and lesbian women who were categorized as a-social during Nazi Germany. In order to understand the situation of elder persons form with homosexual or bi-sexual orientation and of persons with trans* or inter gender, is necessary to differentiate the heterogeneity within the communities. Gay men are benefitting more from unjust intersectional social structures on the one hand and trans* persons experiences multiple and massive oppression on the other hand--with further subgroups in-between. Yet, a history of shared resources and successively opening of organizations that were founded to serve homosexuals towards including all persons from LGBTIQ+ communities can currently be observed. a look at written legal rights is not sufficient to understand the everyday lives of older LGBTIQ+ persons in Germany, because discrimination that violates the achieved rights is still ongoing.
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