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Objectives: Ukrainian informational space has been deeply damaged by centuries old colonial policy – myths have been deliberately distorting and depreciating Ukrainian history and culture. Under conditions of informational aggression together with governmental informational policy, keeping to ethics provided by mass media pedagogue has an important mission of society demythologization. This article aims to consider the modern myth as an object of scientific research and pedagogical problem, to name the causes and stages of society mythologization, to classify the myths and to name their functions; to propose a technique of psychological and pedagogical influence, aimed at demystifying the worldview. Material and methods: Analysis and generalization of scientific sources and documents have been performed. Deduction technique has been applied as a process of drawing logical conclusion based on the complex of analyzed facts and summarizing. Results: - Conclusions: The main reasons why myths arise are absence of knowledge and misunderstanding of facts, hiding truth, herd mentality, striving for unity and self-deception. Therefore, we propose to implement the work on demythologization according to the following stages: 1) myth identification, 2) determination of myth characteristics, 3) scientifically substantiated refutation of myth, 4) psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at transforming the mythical worldview. Special attention should be paid to the function which every myth performs: rational, adaptive, security function, mobilizing function, function of history legitimization or means of mass consciousness manipulation. Correct identification of every particular myth and its characteristics will provide finding the most effective pedagogical methods and technologies of demythologization.
Opis fizyczny
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