Świat i Słowo 2011, nr 1 (16)
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Nature Scenes from Pan Tadeusz in the Eyes of the Characters and the Narrator
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This paper presents a study of some nature descriptions, chosen from many such narrations in the poem. I have examined the chosen descriptions from the perspective of the characters and the narrator. The paper strives to prove that the role they play in the masterpiece is particularly important. The descriptions do not aim at retarding the flow of events, on the contrary, they help to reveal some crucial personality features of the characters and the narrator of Pan Tadeusz. I have noticed the admiration, with which the narrator and some of the characters, for example the Earl, Zosia and Telimena perceive the landscape. Their observations and believes are incredibly varied and vivid which is why I have devoted to them so much space in my dissertation. First, I have analysed the beautiful description from the Second Book, in which Zosia is depicted in a beautiful surroundings of the garden. I have focused my attention on the way the narrator and Zosia perceive the beauty of nature; Zosia is actually a part of the picture. I have also tried to investigate the way the observer – the Earl sees it. I have proved that, by analysing the nature scenes, a reader is able to discover plenty of important facts about characters, about the way they perceive reality and about the atmosphere of the moment. Furthermore, the narrator who describes the nature scenes is not just a neutral witness of the events, but he occurs to be very subjective, emotional and perceptive. Presenting one of the examples of nature scene descriptions – the one in which Telimena is attacked by a swarm of ants, I have shown that the narrator has a great influence on the reader.
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, ul. Bankowa 12, Katowice
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