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The primary aim of this article is to analyze the Twitter communication strategy and its efficiency. The authors took into consideration four Ministers of foreign affairs from Great Britain, Poland, Ukraine, and Russia (their private accounts have also been examined). However, considering that Ministers of Poland and Russia did not have their own Twitter accounts (Witold Waszczykowski and Siergiej Lawrow), authors decided to analyze private accounts of Great Britain’s and Ukrainian’s Ministers (Boris Johnson and Pavlo Klimkin). All examined profiles are accredited. Because of the popularity of Twitter and the appearance of the new type of diplomacy, which involves social networking sites, the authors attempted to make a qualitative and quantitative analysis of given accounts. The results present the effectivity index and also show that spontaneously published messages on social media have a significant impact on how state institutions convey content. What is more, the qualitative and quantitative analysis and the effectivity index allows to present the tools needed for e-diplomacy on Twitter.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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- Links to analyzed accounts:
- https://twitter.com/foreignoffice?lang=pl
- https://twitter.com/BorisJohnson?lang=pl
- https://twitter.com/MSZ_RP?lang=pl
- https://twitter.com/MFA_Ukraine?lang=pl
- https://twitter.com/PavloKlimkin
- https://twitter.com/mfa_russia
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