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The paper discusses the advantages of introducing cooperative board games in foreign language classes at the preschool level. The author points out the possible negative consequences of games based on competition: conflicts and frustration. The remedy can consist of games in which the whole group fights against the system of the game and wins or loses as a result – which is the same for all players. The author describes cooperative games and indicates their positive influence both on the student’s language competence and the development of the child’s personality. The second part of the paper presents a model showing how to design a cooperative game for children and demonstrates an example of a cooperative game for preschool learners.
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- Natalia Wajda, ul.Słoneczna 15b, 60-288, Poznań, Poland,
- Natalia Wajda, ul.Słoneczna 15b, 60-288, Poznań, Poland
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